How to install and setup vagrant box

This is an easy-to-understand guide for setting up Vagrant in Windows or Mac os.


3 min read

How to install and  setup vagrant box

Today we will learn:

a. How to install and setup Vagrant (windows and mac os)

b. How to install Virtualbox

c. How to create and run virtual machines using Vagrant

d. Go inside the virtual machine and run commands

e. Vagrant commands to manage virtual machines

f. Install VM

g. Start VM

h. Connect to VM

i. Stop VM

j. Destroy VM

k. Check status

Vagrant - Getting Started | Install > Setup > Use

Step 1 - Install Vagrant

Check Vagrant is installed using

vagrant --version

Step 2 - Select a VM Provider. Vagrant has direct support for VirtualBox, Hyper-V, Docker Install VirtualBox

Step 3 - Create a new folder for Vagrant project

Step 4 - On terminal or command line navigate to the folder and initiate the vagrant project using

vagrant init

This will create a new Vagrantfile in the folder.

Vagrantfile is a configuration file that defines the settings for your virtual machine

Step 5 - Choose a box to use

A box is a pre-configured virtual machine image that you can use as a starting point for your virtual machine

Step 6 - Add the configuration of the box in the vagrant file.

For example, you could use the "ubuntu/bionic64" box by adding the following line to your

Vagrantfile : = "ubuntu/bionic64"

We can also directly add configuration for the virtual machine using the following commands

vagrant init centos/7 - (if vagrant file does not already exists)

vagrant box add centos/7 - will add box to vagrant, but will not create a Vagrant file)

Step 7 - Start the virtual machine using the command

vagrant up

This will create a new virtual machine using the box you selected and start it. The first time, Vagrant will download the box from the internet

Step 8 - SSH into the virtual machine

vagrant ssh

Vagrant Box - 7 Commands

1. vagrant box add - Adds a box to your local box repository

Example : vagrant box add ubuntu/focal64

2. vagrant box list - Lists all boxes in your local box repository

3. vagrant box outdated - Checks if any boxes in your local box repository are outdated

4. vagrant box update - Updates a box to a new version

Example : vagrant box update ubuntu/focal64

5. vagrant box repackage - Repackages a box with a new name and metadata

Example : vagrant box repackage ubuntu/focal64 --name my-new-box

6. vagrant box prune -Removes outdated boxes from your local box repository

7. vagrant box remove - Removes a box from your local box repository

vagrant box remove ubuntu/focal64

Location of VM boxes

Mac OS X and Linux: ~/.vagrant.d/boxes

Windows: C:/Users/USERNAME/.vagrant.d/boxes

Vagrant Commands

vagrant init- Initializes a new Vagrant environment by creating a Vagrantfile

Example : vagrant init centos/7

vagrant up - Creates and configures the guest machine

vagrant ssh - Logs in to the guest machine via SSH

vagrant ssh-config - Outputs OpenSSH valid configuration to connect to the VMs via SSH

vagrant halt - Stops the guest machine

vagrant suspend - Suspends the guest machine

vagrant resume - Resumes a suspended guest machine

vagrant reload - Reloads the guest machine by restarting it

vagrant destroy - Stops and deletes all traces of the guest machine

vagrant status - Shows the status of the current Vagrant environment

vagrant package - Packages a running virtual environment into a reusable box

Example : vagrant package --output

vagrant provision - Runs any configured provisioners against the running VM.

vagrant plugin install - Installs a Vagrant plugin

Example : vagrant plugin install myplugin

vagrant plugin list- Lists all installed Vagrant plugins

vagrant plugin uninstall - Uninstalls a Vagrant plugin

Example : vagrant plugin uninstall myplugin

Useful TIPS : --help

To get help for any Vagrant command e.g. vagrant --help or vagrant init --help

vboxmanage list vms - If using Virtualbox

vboxmanage list runningvms - If using Virtualbox